Five of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning

Five of Pentacles

The Five of Pentacles is one of the scarier looking cards in the deck. Two people are trudging barefoot in the snow, poor and sick. It represents lack, despair, and isolation.

But is everything as it seems? There is a church window that is lit brightly, suggesting a helping hand and shelter may be steps away.

The invitation of the Five of Pentacles is to make sure you are taking care of yourself, advocating for yourself, asking for help, and believing in yourself, in every way you can.

In short, do everything you can to help yourself get to a better place. A bad situation does not mean you have to give up or take on the mentality of being a victim. Empowerment is an inside job, and when things are bad are when you need to focus on it the most. Don’t let circumstances determine your attitude toward life, and make the best of the hand you’ve been dealt.

Wisdom comes from making mistakes, and resilience comes from being tested. Direct your attention to what you do have, not what you don’t, and look up rather than down. Remember who you are. Remember you are not alone. Remember that you matter. And then take action on your own behalf to better your situation.

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