King of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning

King of Pentacles

Patience and dedication have paid off for the King of Pentacles, who has amassed a great fortune through his work and commitment to tangible results. He is confident in his ability to handle wealth and power through discipline and the wisdom of experience.

He freely shares his abundance and knowledge with those who ask, and they in turn trust his authority in matters of business and money because he has demonstrated his skill and responsibility.

The message of the King of Pentacles is to develop your self-confidence, apply yourself over time with self-discipline, and the success you desire will be yours.

The King of Pentacles got where he is through the dedicated application of proven means, not by taking huge risks. He is security-minded and careful, but he also knows how to enjoy himself. He loves wealth–but he also loves the process of creating it, and tending to his kingdom. Most of all, he is confident in himself and his ability to create and enjoy a fruitful life.

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