Queen of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning

Queen of Pentacles

The Queen of Pentacles is a down-to-earth mother figure, who watches over the abundance of her garden and family. She is resilient, practical, and responsible with her resources, while providing a nurturing environment to those under her care.

The message of the Queen of Pentacles is that by creating a balanced life and always appreciating what you have, your journey to prosperity will be as rewarding as the destination.

You have goals in life, but ultimately, all contentment and happiness happens in the present. So there is no need or utility in putting off enjoyment. Enjoy what is now, and later, enjoy what is then!

Be present with the world and the people around you. Be grateful to everything you have and everything that is to come. Cultivate the vibration of satisfaction, and more good things will be drawn to you. By appreciating everything you create as you go, you will live a rich life no matter what.

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