Seven of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning

Seven of Pentacles

The Seven of Pentacles shows a man contemplating his harvest. Through his hard work, patience, and dedication, he has started a project growing in his life that has reached a significant stage. Now he is taking stock, and/or waiting to let the fruit ripen before being harvested.

The invitation with the Seven of Pentacles is to take some time to contemplate the bigger picture and what you have accomplished so far.

Ask yourself:

  • How am I feeling about what I’ve created?
  • Does it meet my expectations?
  • Am I proud of what I’ve accomplished? If not, what would I change?
  • Are my thoughts and creative efforts aligned with my overall goal?
  • Do I feel complete, or is there more to do?
  • Where do I want to place my attention next?

If you have been creating from a sense of inspiration in alignment with your Soul, then it’s time to celebrate, appreciate, and enjoy the fruits of your work! Or, if you are at the beginning of a project, this is an encouragement that your hard work and investment will pay off.

Either way, make sure you are following the timing and seasons of the work itself–creativity can’t often be rushed successfully.

If your creative efforts feel more like a forced march to the beat of someone else’s drum, now is the time to pause and ask yourself, “Is it really worth it?”. Only you can set your priorities and decide how you will use your time on Earth. Life is short and precious, so choose wisely.

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