The Fool Tarot Card Meaning

The Fool is the first card in the tarot deck, with the number zero. It is the beginning of the Hero’s Journey, the first steps on a new path in life.
The Fool says that you have everything you need and it’s time to get started. You may feel foolish, but there is wisdom in “beginner’s mind”. Everything is fresh and new and exciting, and there is a childlike wonder as you follow your heart into a world of possibilities.
The times we step into the unknown are some of the most magical times of our lives. Your first day of college, your first date with your future spouse, the first time you hold your newborn baby. These are the moments we look back on fondly, knowing we had no idea what was ahead of us, and yet we set off bravely anyway.
As we get older, it can get harder to access this fearless sense of childlike optimism in the new and untried. But it’s necessary to play The Fool over and over to have a rich and rewarding life.