The Hanged Man Tarot Card Meaning

The Hanged Man

The Hanged Man is suspended and can’t move, but he is content, relaxed, and even has a holy glow around his head. He isn’t flailing or dangling–he looks purposeful, composed, balanced, and intentional.

The invitation with The Hanged Man is to surrender to a “pause” in forward momentum, and use the opportunity to let go of what came before and embrace new perspectives. 

Surrender doesn’t mean giving up, giving in, or being passive. It is an active state of recognizing that there are forces larger than you at work in the world. It is a state of disengaging with the normal world to commune with the mystical and intuitive side of things.

If a situation feels stalled in some way, don’t force it. There is something you are missing, and you won’t get it by continuing to keep doing the same thing you have been doing. Take the time and space to listen and allow something new to emerge from the stillness. Stop “doing” and cultivate a receptive mode of being.

Trust that the Universe is creating this pause for a reason, and it will only benefit you to embrace it and lean in. Stop resisting where you are, let go of outcomes, and find a deeper level of attunement to that which moved you in the first place.

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